Visualizing Invoices (Consumers)

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

  1. Open the site > Administration > Accounting > Invoices. This tab is only displayed if the operating method is Billing and Payment.
  2. Invoices can be filtered by
    1. Billing point: Each window groups all billing points of a building.
    2. Billing period: Each window groups, by building, all billing periods according to what is defined for each solution.
  3. The following information is indicated regardless of the filter:
    1. Amount: Total billed
    2. Collected: Total amount collected
    3. Balance: Difference between Amount and collected, representing the outstanding balance.
    4. Draft: Number of invoices generated as drafts and not yet sent.
    5. In progress: Number of invoices sent that are still to be collected.
    6. Settled: Number of collected invoices.
    7. Cancelled (Ann.): Number of cancelled invoices. In this case, counting, billing, and possibly reminder or postage costs are borne by Climkit.
    8. Abandoned (Aband.): Cancelled (Ann.): Number of abandoned invoices. In this case, counting, billing, and possibly reminder or postage costs are borne by the owner and will appear in the Annual site statement.
    9. Reminder 1 (R1): Number of invoices for which a first reminder has been sent.
    10. Reminder 2 (R2): Number of invoices for which a second reminder has been sent.
    11. Reminder 3 (R3): Number of invoices for which a third reminder has been sent.

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