Setting up an RCP/ZEV

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

The establishment of an RCP/ZEV (Self-consumption group) must be reported to the DSO (Distribution System Operator). The announcement can be made during the connection request of the buildings or the production installation. This request is usually made by the electrician responsible for the connection.

Case of premises with existing leases (existing building)

The tenant can choose to join the self-consumption group (SCG) or remain in the basic supply provided by the Distribution System Operator (DSO).

In this case, the property owner must inform the DSO that the concerned tenants will join the SCG, which results in the termination of their legal relationship with the DSO regarding electricity supply. See sample letter below.

Some DSOs may require the concerned tenants to sign a form attesting their integration into the SCG.

If some tenants refuse to join the SCG, the DSO must continue to supply them with electricity and measure their individual consumption. In this case, their DSO meter will either be connected upstream of the SCG meter (building introduction) or deducted from it. When a tenant leaves, the DSO meter will be replaced by a private meter and the new tenant will join the SCG.

It is essential that the administrative procedure described above is completed before starting any modifications to the electrical panel, such as replacing meters or installing a DSO meter for the introduction.

Standard letter to tenants/residents

The standard letter below can be used to inform and obtain the agreement of residents with a view to creating an RCP.

Download the letter for tenants (Word)

Rental lease clause for RCP/ZEV

Here is the clause to be inserted in the lease for the implementation of a RCP/ZEV (Swiss collective system of energy self-consumption):

By signing this lease, the tenant of the apartment subject to this lease joins and is part of an own consumption group (RCP/ZEV) in accordance with the provisions of Articles 16 to 18 of the Federal Energy Law (LEne) . As part of an RCP, the electricity produced by the building's photovoltaic panels is used directly on site by all the tenants. When the photovoltaic installation produces less electricity than the building consumes, the additional electricity is drawn from the network and purchased from the electricity supplier.

The landlord is the representative of the own consumption group (RCP/ZEV), responsible for the supply of electricity, metering and billing of tenants. The costs attributable to the tenant are as follows:

  • Costs for self-consumed solar electricity
  • The cost of individual meters
  • Costs for management (meter reading, administration and billing)

The lessor can subcontract the management of the RCP/ZEV to a third-party service provider. In all cases, the lessor cannot be held responsible in the event of a disruption in the supply of electricity from the network (blackout) or the photovoltaic installation.

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