Table of Contents

Billing Rates

Anything measured by the meters can be billed.

Other fixed costs such as management fees may also be charged.

Prices are defined during administrative setup and can then be modified via the online portal.

1. Electrical energy

Electrical energy is measured in kWh.

It is billed for both electric energy meters and charging stations for electric vehicles, the laundry manager, etc.

A different rate is applied depending on the origin of the energy (solar or network) and the time of its consumption during the day or day of the week.

In the context of SCG in rental buildings, pricing is regulated. See Pricing in the context of SCG.

We thus have the following different electrical energy prices:

Electrical energy from the grid

By default, the electricity rates used are the rates charged by the GRD for the building. But these prices can also be modified by the owner.

They consist of:

  • Single network rate: single rate for the whole day (24 hours a day)
  • Dual network tariff: High tariff (also called Peak Hours - HP) and low tariff (also called Off-peak Hours - HC).

The choice between single or double tariff is generally defined by the mode of supply of the local distribution network operator (DNO).

The latter also defines the hours in high rate and low rate. In general, the rate is low during the night, as well as on Saturday and Sunday all day.

Solar electrical energy (from the photovoltaic installation)

  • Simple solar rate: single rate for the whole day (24 hours a day)
  • Double solar rate: High rate (also called Peak Hours) and low rate (also called Off-Peak Hours).

In general, the solar rate is lower (20% less) or equivalent to grid energy.

Power charges

In some cases, the network operator charges power fees (in kW).

These costs correspond to the maximum peak power consumed during a month or a year.

It is defined by the maximum quantity of energy (kWh) consumed during 1/4 hour and multiplied by 4.

By entering a power rate on the portal, these power costs are distributed among site users in proportion to their own power peak and appear on their individual bill or statement.

Surcharge for certain solutions

In the case of the Mobility (charging stations), Washaccess (laundry room manager) and EBike (electric bike charging) solutions, the owner can set an increased kWh rate to cover both electricity costs and costs. provision and depreciation of equipment.

For example, it is recommended to charge a rate of CHF 1.00 to CHF 1.50 per kWh for the use of laundry rooms.

2. Other fixed costs

Fixed costs are invoiced independently of consumption.

These mainly concern the following elements:

  • Climkit management fees
  • DSO fixed costs (e.g. meter rental, fixed connection tax, etc.)
  • Rental or provision of a charging station by the owner.

The owner or manager is free to charge them or not to the residents. If this is the case, these elements appear separately on the statements or invoices sent to residents.

3. Thermal energy and water

In general, thermal energy (heating) and water are not billed directly but the related charges are simply distributed proportionally to individual consumption (see Charge statements below).

However, it is possible in certain cases to bill this type of consumption with a rate per kWh for thermal and per m3 for water.

4. Request for deposit

Climkit can also periodically collect advance payments, for example for heating costs in PPE or in the case of thermal contracting.

In rental properties, deposits for charges are collected directly by the owner with the payment of the rent.

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