Introduction to the Expense Count Tool

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

General expenses are costs related to the operation of a site (building) that must be allocated among the residents of the site.

Generally, these mainly consist of heating costs (heating of rooms/apartments and hot water production).

However, other so-called "ancillary" costs may also be allocated. These include, for example, electricity costs for the common areas of the building, concierge fees, elevator maintenance costs, etc.

These costs are defined in the rental agreement or in the condominium regulations (PPE).

The allocation method is defined in the model for the individual accounting of energy and water costs (DIFEE) published in 2017 by the Federal Office of Energy (OFEN).

When thermal energy and hot water meters are installed, heating costs are allocated with a variable share of 70% (based on the individual consumption of residents) and a fixed share of 30% (based on the surface areas of the apartments or the thousandths share in the condominium).

Ancillary costs are allocated based on the surface areas of the apartments or the thousandths share in the condominium. This is also the case for heating costs when no meter is installed, as is the case in older buildings.

The type and number of meters installed in the building thus impact how charge statements are generated. See Connecting the meters.

Climkit offers a tool to generate individual cost statements directly from its online platform. Here’s how to use it step by step: Create/modify a cost accounting period.

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Add/Edit a General Expense Invoice from an Expense Statement
