Verification of Meter Connections

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

Check the meter connections by going to the Tools > Meter Check tab.

Consumption Type Meters

  1. All meters must be in "True."
  2. All phases must have a voltage between 230V and 240V "L1V, L2V, L3V."
  3. Consumption meters must have a positive power on each phase "L1W, L2W, L3W."
  4. For consumption meters (11, 12, 13, ...), there should be no exported energy under "Exp."
  5. Check the password for each meter to see if it matches the configuration.
  6. Without energy production installation, instantaneous powers on meter 10 must be positive. In case of backflow, powers are negative. Check the connection by turning off the inverters.

Production Type Meter


The production meter must have negative powers "L1W, L2W, L3W."

Introduction Type Meter

The production meter must have negative powers "L1W, L2W, L3W" if we are feeding back into the grid or positive powers if we are drawing from the grid.

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