Table of Contents

Contact and Role

Each account can have one or more contacts.

A contact is an individual who has access to the account's sites through their email address and password. For example, employees of a management company or a photovoltaic installation company have access to the sites managed by their employer.

Each contact has the following main parameters:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Email
  • Role:
    • Administrator
    • Member


The contact with the Administrator role can edit the account settings as well as add or remove contacts. This is generally the responsible person of the Company's Account who can thus add or remove contacts based on the arrivals and departures of individuals in their company.

Contacts with the Member role only have access to the account's Sites.


Permissions are the actions that a contact can perform on a site. The default permissions are defined by the type of their account.

For example, only contacts of an Investor account have access to the site’s accounting, whereas contacts of an Installer account can add and configure technical equipment.

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