Mobility - EV Charging Stations

1. Standard Connection Diagram

The Climkit Mobility system involves the installation of smart charging stations that communicate with the Climkit Gateway via the OCPP protocol.

Through this communication and the installation of continuously monitored meters, the Climkit Gateway can regulate the available power allocated to the stations and also manage user access, identified via RFID badges.

Connection in a RCP

In a Climkit RCP (see Community - Electric Metering - RCP), a meter is installed on each distribution zone branch (flat cable). This meter is never installed behind the common meter.

Connection of the I/O Module

The I/O Module is used to detect a command from the GRD meter for the shedding of the stations.

2. Connection Diagram - A Parking Lot and Multiple Introductions

When there are multiple introductions to the network available for the same parking lot, each flat cable branch (63A) is taken from each of the introductions.

Only one gateway and 4G router are needed. Control meters for power regulation are connected to the gateway via an RS485 or IP-ethernet bus using RS485-Ethernet converters.

Option A: Power Supply from the Common GRD Meter

In the diagram below, there are 2 flat cable branches taken behind the common meter of each building.

In this case, a Climkit meter for power regulation must be installed on the common branch!

Option B: Power Supply from a Dedicated GRD Meter

In the diagram below, there are 2 flat cable branches taken behind a dedicated GRD meter for the stations for each building. Therefore, it is not necessary to install a Climkit meter on the common branch.

3. Flat Cable in Collective Parking Lots

For small installations, a few stations can be connected individually to the building's electrical panel and connected via ethernet or Wi-Fi.

However, for larger parking lots, it is recommended to install a flat cable to bring electricity to each parking space, thereby facilitating the installation of a charging station as residents wish to equip themselves.

This is what is recommended by level C1 of SIA 2060.


We recommend installing a flat cable of 5x16mm2 from Woertz or Wieland along the parking spaces to be equipped.

The cable is fixed directly with clamps on the wall or ceiling.

Thanks to the IP65 junction boxes with insulating piercing, the stations are then easily connected without cutting or stripping the cable.

The flat cable is powered via a 3P+N LS circuit breaker of max 63A from the electrical panel (provided by the electrical installer).

Although the number of stations per area is unlimited, it is recommended not to connect more than 30.

Each station is then equipped with a type A RCD rated from 16 (11 kW) to 32A (22kW) and connects to the management system via Wi-Fi.

Example of Flat Cable Installation

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