Annual Site Statement

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

Annual site statement

When the owner mandates Climkit to manage billing and collections from consumers on his site, Climkit establishes an annual statement for the entire site.

This FAQ allows you to quickly understand how it works. Here is a glossary of the main terms used:

  • Site: building or group of buildings for which Climkit provides energy metering and accounting services.
  • Owner: site manager who mandates Climkit to manage the metering and billing of the energy on its site. Sometimes, the owner is represented by a management company.
  • Consumers: tenants or co-owners who reside on the site and who consume energy.
  • Supplier: Distribution network operator (DNO) or other external service provider who supplies electricity or a service to the site.

What is Climkit’s mandate?

The owner mandates Climkit to manage metering, billing and collections on his behalf from consumers on his site.

Climkit also pays the bills of the site's electricity suppliers (GRD and photovoltaic contractors).

How is the site’s annual statement established?

Climkit establishes an annual statement for the previous year for the entire site.

The annual statement calculates the difference between all collections collected from consumers and disbursements paid to suppliers.

In the context of a grouping for own consumption (RCP), the difference is generally in favor of the owner and corresponds to the sale of self-consumed solar electricity to consumers as well as the surplus reinjected into the network and bought back by the distributor .

When is the annual statement established?

Between April and June of the following year, in order to wait for the collection of consumer invoices sent in January for the last months of the year.

How is the owner paid?

The owner has 15 days after receipt to contest the statement. Without dispute, the amount in his favor is paid into the bank account communicated to Climkit within the following 30 days.

In the case of a balance in favor of Climkit, the owner has 30 days to pay the amount due by means of the invoice attached to the statement.

How does the count look like?

The annual statement indicates the difference between all receipts received and disbursements paid for the site during the indicated period of the statement. It is divided into four sections:

  1. Details of collections : amounts received from consumers, credit notes from suppliers and any positive balance from the previous year's statement.
  2. Details of disbursements : invoices paid to suppliers including those of the distribution network manager (DNO) and Climkit for management fees, and any negative balance from the previous year's statement.
  3. Open amounts : consumer invoices still unpaid to date for the period of this statement.
  4. Abandoned amounts : unpaid consumer invoices for years prior to the period of this statement and the amount of which is considered lost. You are free as the owner to take recovery steps directly from consumers.

Only the first two sections are taken into account when calculating the balance.

What are collections?

  1. All bill payments by consumers such as their electricity consumption or their use of charging stations.
  2. Credit ratings of suppliers in cases where they pay an amount to the site. For example, DSOs which pay for the reinjection of photovoltaic surplus into the network.
  3. Any positive balance in favor of the owner carried over from the previous year's statement.

What are the disbursements?

  1. Invoices paid to suppliers including those of the distribution network manager (DNO) for the withdrawal of electricity from the network or of a possible third-party contractor for photovoltaic production.
  2. Climkit invoices for all management costs (metering, invoicing, shipping costs, internet connection, etc.).
  3. Any negative balance payable by the owner accompanied by the statement from the previous year.

Where can we find the invoices and documents referenced in the statement?

All invoices and corresponding documents are available on the Climkit online portal under the Finances tab of the site.

What about unpaid invoices?

All invoices sent to consumers that have not yet been paid are listed in the Open Amounts section of the statement for informational purposes.

When these invoices are paid, the annual statement will be updated to take into account these new collections and the positive balance in favor of the owner will be carried over to the following year's statement. All consumer bills and their payment status are accessible on the Climkit online portal.

Example: The statement for the year 2022 stipulates a balance in favor of the owner of CHF 2,500.-. But there remains an unpaid invoice from a consumer for an amount of CHF 180.-. Climkit pays CHF 2,500.- to the owner on May 25, 2023. On July 17, 2023, the consumer finally pays his bill of CHF 180.-. The 2022 statement is updated and indicates a balance in favor of the owner of CHF 180.-. This amount will be carried over to the 2023 statement.

When is an invoice considered abandoned?

Any unpaid invoice despite three reminders sent to the consumer and dating more than one year before the issuance of the annual statement is considered abandoned.

The abandoned invoice is mentioned in the Abandoned amounts section of the annual statement. It is now up to the owner to take possible recovery steps from the consumer concerned to obtain the payment due.

Example: When establishing the 2022 annual statement, a consumer invoice of CHF 62.- for the period from October to December 2021 is still unpaid. This invoice is now considered lost by Climkit which indicates it with the abandoned status. The owner is then free to take steps directly with the consumer to recover this amount due.

Why can the annual statement have a balance in favor of Climkit?

  1. When the DSO invoices paid do not correspond to the annual statement period. For example, if a DSO invoices the period from April 2021 to March 2022, this invoice is charged to the statement for the year 2022 although it partly corresponds to the year 2021. This generally occurs during the first year of operation of the RCP or when the DSO invoices periodic installments and not actual consumption. In any case, this is compensated for in subsequent years.
  2. When the amounts opened and abandoned are very large.
  3. When the building input meter installed by the DSO does not correctly measure the electricity withdrawn and the relative invoices are too erroneous. In this case, it is necessary to request verification from the DSO.

How Did We Do?

Billing Rates

Distribution of photovoltaics in the site's consumption
