Generate one or more invoices

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

  1. Open the site > Administration > Accounting
  2. Open the Invoices or Statements tab depending on the site's operational method.
  3. Click on the + button and fill in the following fields in the form:
    1. Start date: the date from which the consumptions are billed.
    2. End date: the date until which the consumptions are billed.
    3. Validate and send: Check to validate and send upon form submission.
    4. Without verification: Check to skip automatic verification by the system before generating invoices.
    5. Rebilling: See Rebill a period already billed (rebilling)
    6. Concerned solutions: Check the solutions that need to be invoiced
    7. Select billing points: Select the billing points to be invoiced.

How Did We Do?

Actions on an Invoice (validate, send, cancel...)
