Virtual Assistant
Getting started
Solutions and Documentation Structure
Material ordering and commissioning
General Sales Terms and Conditions and Warranty
Connection diagrams
Gateway and Communication
Community - Electrical Metering - RCP
Heating - Heating and Water Metering
Mobility - EV Charging Stations
Washaccess - Laundry Manager
EBike - Charging Electric Bicycles
Optimization of self-consumption
Energy monitoring of the building
Equipment and installation
Gateway Climkit
4G Router
LAN Router
RS485-Ethernet Converter
Switch ethernet DIN POE
WiFi Network
Electric Meters
MBus-RS485 converter
Heating & Water Meters
EV Charging Stations
Relay I/O Module
RFID Readers
Relay Meters
Configuration and commissioning
Start-Up Guide for Commissioning
Add a router to a site
Add a Climkit Gateway to a Site
Configuration of Electric Meters
Charging Station Configuration
Configuration of heating and water meters (MBus)
Optimization through relays and EV charging stations
Verification of Meter Connections
Advanced Configuration
Gateway Configuration
Cloud Gateway Configuration (MQTT)
RFID Reader Configuration
IP Network Configuration & Routers
RS485 to Ethernet TCP/IP Converters
Configure Teltonika RUT241
Configuring Display Screens
Modbus Meter Configuration
Data Counting Processing
Meter Read Manually
Inepro PRO380 Meters and Various
Configuration of ABB charging station
Wallbox Configuration
Configuration of Schneider EVlink Pro AC charging station
Zaptec Terminal Configuration
Property Owner
Administrative Setup
Getting Started Guide - Administrative Setup
Form - 1. Contact Details
Form - 2. Solutions
Form - 3. Rates
Contract and documents to complete
Online Account for Homeowners
Information Flyers for Residents
Online Access, RFID Badge & Charging Stations
FAQ & other Information
Access to the platform
Modify the data validation schema for counting
Creation/Editing of a Note or an Issue to be Addressed
Close an issue to be addressed
The states of a site
Add/Edit Building(s)
The steps to set up a website
Remove/Disable a Site
Add/Edit Equipment(s)
Edit Basic Site Information
Add/Modify a Gateway
Add/Edit a Router
Add/Modify an Electricity Meter
Mass Insertion of Meters
Bulk Assign Counter to a Gateway
Add/modify a distribution area
Add/Modify a Charging Station
Add/Modify a Thermal or Water Meter
Add/Edit a GRD Counter (FTP Transfer)
Connecting Remotely to a Climkit Gateway
Management Conditions
Visualizing Site Management Conditions
Activation/Deactivation of a Solution
Configuration of the Operating Method
Visualizing Financial Conditions
Creation/Editing/Adding a Financial Condition
Removal of a financial condition
Create a Consumer Account
Create a contact
View and Download Invoices from an Account
Send platform access to a contact
Add/modify billing address
Link an Existing Account to a Site
Change the Matching Method
Rates and Billing Points
Creation/Editing of a Billing Point
Registering a Move (Transfer)
Account allocation to a billing point
Add/modify the default charge deposit of a billing point
See the prices on the consumption site
Editing a consumption rate
Creation/Editing of a Consumption Rate
Creation/Editing of a Consumption Rate Component
See Fixed Rates and Subscriptions
Customize Invoice Line Item Labels/Titles
See the Financial Conditions Invoiced at the Billing Points
RFID Badges
Control of Meters
Expense Reports
Introduction to the Expense Tracking Tool
Create/modify a fee countdown period
Modify Fee Count Settings
Add/Modify a General Expense Invoice in an Expense Report
Edit the deposits received from an expense statement
Specificity of heating and hot water production costs
Check and download meter readings for the billing period
Distributing and Generating Expense Summaries
Exporting Individual Consumption for the Expense Settlement Period
- Categories
- Property Owner
- FAQ & other Information
- Pricing under the RCP
Pricing under the RCP
by Nicolas Vodoz
In the context of a RCP, the owner (or the PPE) becomes the electricity supplier for the residents of the building, assuming the responsibilities typically held by the distribution network operator (DNO). This includes investment, energy supply, maintenance of facilities, as well as metering and billing services for consumption.
Article 16 of the Energy Ordinance (OEne) specifies how to calculate the prices charged to consumers. The goal is to recoup the investments made by the owner while protecting tenants from potential abuses. Within a PPE framework, co-owners are free to apply the rates they wish.
Here are the 4 cost elements to be considered in pricing:
1. Electricity drawn from the grid
The costs of electricity drawn from the grid include all items billed by the DNO to the RCP: energy, network usage, taxes, and meter connection fees.
These costs are billed to consumers identically, with no margin for the owner.
However, in the context of a microgrid where multiple buildings are connected to the same grid connection point, the owner sets a rate to cover their investments as well as the maintenance costs related to the connection of the buildings (wiring, transformers, etc.). In this case, the price charged to consumers is determined according to the effective cost method for solar electricity, as explained below.
2. Solar electricity
The costs of internally produced electricity are covered by the sale of photovoltaic electricity to consumers and by the resale of the surplus injected to the DNO. The regulations offer two methods to set the tariff for solar electricity sold to RCP member consumers:
- The flat rate: The rate is a maximum of 80% of the standard electricity tariff (without peak/off-peak hours) from the DNO, which the consumer would pay if they were not a member of the RCP. In this case, the rate does not need to be justified to the tenants.
- The effective costs: The rate is calculated based on the effective production costs of electricity after deducting the income from the sale of surplus. If the calculated rate is lower than the standard product rate, the difference is shared between the owner and the tenant. If the calculated price is higher than the standard rate, the rate must equal the standard rate, as the owner is not permitted to charge more.
Effective costs include:
- Amortization of relevant investments (photovoltaic panels, inverters, wiring to the electrical panel, installation costs, including assembly and scaffolding)
- Interest on amortization, calculated according to the WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital) of production (set at 3.98% for 2025)
- Operating and maintenance costs (maintenance, repair and replacement of the installation, monitoring and surveillance of the installation, periodic maintenance, OIBT checks, cleaning of the installation, administrative expenses, etc.)
Climkit recommends the flat rate method for obvious simplification reasons. Once this method is selected by the owner, Climkit updates the solar rate annually based on changes in local DNO rates.
3. Administrative fees
Administrative fees include all costs related to the management of the RCP, such as reading and transmitting meter data, establishing accounts, billing consumers, and processing collections, as well as paying the grid draw fee.
With a provider like Climkit, administrative costs for metering and billing are charged directly to consumers. Climkit offers meter reading and account generation (3.50 CHF/month) and, optionally, billing and collections (6.50 CHF/month). See the details of Climkit services for more information.
4. Meter subscription
When the owner finances the meters, these investments must be treated like those of production installations. The lifetime of electronic meters is 10 to 15 years. The annual costs of meters are calculated through a constant annuity over the amortization period, plus the interest defined by the production WACC.
If the installation of a meter costs between 200 and 250 CHF for a lifespan of 10 years and adds 4% interest, the owner can charge a "meter subscription" of 2.00 to 2.50 CHF per month per meter from consumers. Therefore, the purchase of meters by the owner does not raise costs but rather their investment, without affecting their return.
Climkit offers, in its billing service, to collect the meter subscription directly from consumers on behalf of the owner.
- Energy Ordinance (OEne) of 01/02/2024
- Self-consumption of electricity, David Sifonios, Proprietors Services Publishing SA, 2023.