Actions on an Invoice (validate, send, cancel...)

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

  1. Open the site > Administration > Accounting > Invoices.
  2. Filter and open a billing point or a period.
  3. Select one or more invoices as well as an action at the bottom of the list:
    1. Validate and send / Resend: Validate and/or send an invoice to the recipient account.
    2. Validate: The invoice is considered correct and is therefore ready to be sent.
    3. Mark as sent: The invoice has been sent by another means and can therefore be marked as transmitted to the recipient account.
    4. Delete: The invoice should not have been generated and can therefore be deleted. Only possible for invoices in Draft status.
    5. Cancel: the invoice contains an error or should not have been sent. No payment is therefore expected from the recipient account. No new reminder will be sent. Management fees are also canceled and will not be accounted for in the annual statement.
    6. Abandon: the payment of the invoice is no longer expected from the recipient account. No new reminder will be sent automatically. Management fees remain the responsibility of the owner and will be accounted for in the annual statement.
    7. Change due date: Modify the payment due date to delay the sending of reminders, for example. Update with the action below so that the new due date appears on the PDF document of the invoice.
    8. Refresh: regenerate the invoice if changes have been made since the ERP linked to the platform.

How Did We Do?

Reimbursing an Account

Generate one or more invoices
