Visualizing Supplier Financial Documents

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

  1. Open the site > Administration > Accounting > Suppliers. This tab is only displayed if the operating method is Invoicing and Payment.
  2. Fully accounted supplier financial documents, i.e., those that have generated a cash flow, can be filtered by:
    1. By Period: Each section groups all documents by billing period with their total outflows (amount paid to the supplier) and inflows (amount received from the supplier).
    2. By Type: Each window groups a supplier from the site. Generally, there is the GRD distinguishing its invoices (outflow) and possibly its credit notes (inflow), and Climkit for management costs.
  3. The following information is provided for each document:
    1. Name/Period: period of the billed service
    2. Reference: Climkit reference number of the document
    3. Type: Supplier Invoice or GRD Invoice
    4. Supplier: supplying company
    5. Generated on: document date
    6. Amount: Total of the document (received or paid out)
    7. Status:
      1. Settled: if paid out or received
  4. The section for unaccounted documents lists all documents received from a supplier that did not generate a payment or deposit, for example, a GRD credit note whose amount has been deducted from a future invoice and which has simply been transmitted for information.

How Did We Do?

Visualizing Invoices (Consumers)

Rebilling a Previously Billed Period
