Table of Contents

Modify Fee Count Settings

  1. Open the site > Tools > Expense Statement: select the desired statement by clicking on its title.
  2. Check the desired sections to be included in the statements to be provided to the residents:
    1. Heating of Rooms: heating expenses for the apartments. Check this if the site is equipped with individual heating meters.
    2. Hot Water Production: expenses for hot water production. Check this if the site is equipped with individual hot water meters.
    3. Water Supply and Treatment: expenses for water supply and treatment. Check this if the site is equipped with individual cold and hot water meters.
    4. Additional Fees: All other expenses to be allocated based on areas or shares (e.g., concierge services, administrative fees, electricity for lighting common areas...) as well as heating and water expenses if the corresponding meters do not exist.
    5. Electricity: Check this only if individual electricity consumption is included in the fees. Do not confuse with common electricity for lighting, which is an additional fee. In most cases, individual electricity consumption is billed separately either by the property manager or directly by the utility provider.
    6. Renovation Fund: In the context of a condominium, it is possible to add this section and include it directly in the statement.
  3. Then check the following items as needed:
    1. Deduction of Advances: If the received advances are recorded, it is possible to deduct them and indicate it on the statement.
    2. Payment Slip / Credit Note: Add a payment slip if the amount of the statement relative to the received advances is in favor of the owner. In the case of a balance in favor of the resident, it is indicated that the amount in their favor will be paid to their bank account.
    3. Show Meter Readings: Add a section indicating the meter readings at the beginning and end of the billing period.
  4. Select the bank account to be used to generate the payment slip if the Payment Slip item has been checked above.

How Did We Do?

Create/modify a fee countdown period

Add/Modify a General Expense Invoice in an Expense Report
