Form - 2. Solutions

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz


Active solutions

By default, solutions whose required hardware is (or is planned to be) installed in the building are preselected.

Statements and invoicing

Choose the billing method :

  • Either Climkit manages the sending of invoices, collections and payment of the electricity supplier's bill;
  • Either the owner manages these elements himself based on the individual consumption statements provided by Climkit.

It is important to enter a billing start date, that is to say from what date the various measured consumptions must appear in the statements and be billed.

Select whether the building or its owner is subject to VAT. This allows you to know whether VAT must be added to the invoicing of self-consumed photovoltaic energy in favor of the owner.

Enter the IBAN number of the account of the owner or the building into which the services must be paid in his favor.

How Did We Do?

Form - 1. Contact Details

Form - 3. Prices
