Table of Contents

Gateway Configuration

1. Configuration Web Server

The Climkit Gateway has an internal web server used to check the configuration and connection of devices.

However, everything is configured on the main portal The Gateway simply imports its configuration from the portal.

Log in to the web server using the local URL available on the portal under Configuration > Gateway > Local Access to Gateway. Or use its local IP address with port 8080 (e.g.

The password is available under Configuration > Gateway > Configuration Server Password.

The Gateway regularly checks for configuration changes, but it is possible to immediately import the new configuration by clicking the UPDATE CONFIGURATION button.

Configuration Mode

Activate configuration mode under Configuration > Config mode.

When activated, the CONFIG MODE halts all services and allows you to manually interact with devices, such as reading meters or closing relays.

Don't forget to disable it when you're done.

Once disabled, all services are restarted and the Gateway should function normally.


The Gateway can concurrently execute the following services depending on the main configuration:

  • Meter Reading: for regularly reading meters and exporting their data to the Climkit Cloud.
  • Charging Station: used to interact with EV charging stations (charge management and authentication).
  • Sensor Reading: used to read sensors and export their data to the Climkit Cloud.
  • Optimization: algorithm to optimize self-consumption of solar electricity.
  • Card Readers: to interact with RFID readers and open or close relays.

You can check their logs and status (✅ /❌) under their respective tabs on the configuration web server.

Restart all services by activating and deactivating the Config mode.

Meters Tab

The Meters tab with the CONFIG MODE enabled is used to manually interact with Modbus and Mbus meters.

It can also be used to change the primary Modbus or Mbus address of a device.

It can also be used to manually read a Modbus register from a connected device.

2. Uploading Configuration File

Upload the Installation Configuration File

  • Download the JSON configuration file of the installation from the Climkit portal under Configuration > Gateway.
  • Connect the Gateway to your local router with an Ethernet cable and plug the Gateway into its power supply.
  • Wait a few minutes, open a web browser, and go to the local configuration server at http://climkit.local:8080/ (or the local IP, e.g.

Log in with the default credentials:

USERNAME: "config"

PASSWORD: "climkit"

  • Go to Upload Config > Choose the JSON configuration file and click UPLOAD.
  • Once the configuration is completed and successful, restart the gateway and wait 5 minutes.
  • You can now log in to the local configuration server with its IP address or its new local URL available at: Configuration --> Gateway --> Local Configuration Server.

USERNAME: "config"

PASSWORD: The installation's own "Config Server password"

You can also access the installation remotely with the link "Remote config server".

Note that the connection may take up to 5 minutes to become available.

3. Troubleshooting

When connected to an internet connection, the Gateway automatically communicates with Climkit servers.

Here is a quick guide on how to troubleshoot most connection issues.

Internet Connection

4G Router

Check with a computer that the router is connected to the Internet.

Check the RJ45 cables.

If there is no Internet, three possible explanations are:

  • Faulty router
  • Faulty Ethernet port on the router
  • Disabled SIM card (4G connection)

Local LAN Router

Check the connection between the router and the Gateway (Ethernet cables, switch, etc.).

Do not use PLC devices (Powerline communication).

RS485 or Mbus Issues

If all meters are not being read:

  • Ensure that the meters are addressed.
  • Check that the Modbus parameters are correctly set (address, parity, baud rate).
  • Check with a tester that there are no loose connections on the bus between A, B, and GND.
  • Verify that all cables are properly connected and making contact. Sometimes, if the wire is improperly inserted, it may be pinched against the insulation and not make contact.
  • To isolate the issue, disconnect the entire bus and connect the meters gradually, checking that they read one by one as you add them.
  • Ensure that all meters are wired in series and not in a star configuration.
  • Check that the RS485/USB adapter is not damaged. Verify that the correct color codes for RS485/USB adapters are used (A=orange, B=yellow, GND=black).

If some meters are not being read:

  • Check that the circuit breaker is functioning.
  • Ensure that a wire on the bus is not disconnected, which could disconnect the rest.
  • Check the bus address of the meter(s).

How Did We Do?

Cloud Gateway Configuration (MQTT)
