Advanced Configuration

Configuration Gateway

Gateway internal Web server, Flash Gateway Firmware, etc.


Cloud Gateway Configuration (MQTT)

Cloud Gateway configuration.


RFID Reader Configuration

Sensors, meters, relays, etc.


IP Network Configuration & Routers

General parameters, Teltonika - TRB140 LTE, TL-R470T+, etc.


RS485-Ethernet TCP/IP converters

Configuration of RS485-Ethernet converters for reading Modbus and Mbus meters.


Configuring Teltonika RUT241

Configuration of Teltonika RUT241 router with SIM card in Climkit Cloud Gateway configuration.

Nicolas Vodoz
Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

Configuring Display Screens

Configuration of public display screens.


Configuring Modbus counters

Gateway and Modbus devices.


Processing of Count Data

Automated collection, correction, validation and use of meter readings via the Climkit Gateway.

Nicolas Vodoz
Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

Meter Read Manually

Automated collection, correction, validation and use of meter readings via the Climkit Gateway.

Nicolas Vodoz
Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

Inepro PRO380 meters and others

Configuration of Inepro PRO380, Orno OR-WE-516 and Polier MTR80LMOD meters.

Nicolas Vodoz
Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

Configuration EV charger Zaptec

Connect Zaptec charging stations to the Climkit OCPP remote server.

Nicolas Vodoz
Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

Configuration of ABB charging station

Configuration of the ABB Terra AC charging station

Aleksia Stravinskaite
Updated by Aleksia Stravinskaite

Configuration of Schneider EVlink Pro AC charging station

Configuration of the Schneider EVlink Pro AC charging station

Nicolas Vodoz
Updated by Nicolas Vodoz
