Data Counting Processing

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

1. Raw Meter Readings

Meters are automatically read via the Climkit Gateway (or a third-party API or FTP service).

It is the meter index (the total measured by the meter since its installation) that is read. We refer to raw data.

A reading consists of one or more meter indexes and the reading date.

Electricity Meters transmit two indexes:

  • en_im (kWh): imported energy, meaning consumed or withdrawn energy
  • en_ex (kWh): exported energy, meaning energy produced by a photovoltaic installation or fed back into the grid

Thermal Energy Meters (hot or cold) transmit:

  • heat_energy_kwh (kWh): the thermal energy consumed

Water Meters (hot or cold) transmit:

  • vol_m3 (m3): volume of water consumed

2. Configuration of Corrective Rules

When meters are not installed according to the schematic and assembly instructions, it is possible to configure rules to correct the readings.

Electric Meter Connected Backwards

When an electric meter is connected backwards, its indexes en_im and en_ex can be reversed.

Edit Meter > Additional Settings:


Possible Value




Reverse one register to another



Reverse one register to another

Configure Addition or Subtraction

When a meter is connected downstream from another, it is necessary to subtract the downstream meter from the upstream meter to avoid double counting.

Rules are configured with the IDs (long hexadecimal number) of each meter and the signs + or -.

The result of the rule will be applied to the validated data (see below).


Possible Value



meter_id_1 {+ or -} meter_id_2 {+ or -} ...

Reverse one register to another

Additions and subtractions can apply to the registers of the defined electric, thermal, and water meters above.

A standalone meter cannot be used in a rule.

Photovoltaic Meter (PV) on a Consumer Meter

When the PV is connected to a consumer meter (for example, in common areas) of type Consumption Meter, a second Common Meter with the same primary address of type Production Meter is created.

The gateway will read the same meter twice. This meter is referred to as "Common Surplus."

Then, the following rules are applied using the hexadecimal IDs of the meters represented here as C, P, and S.

Common Meter


Rule: C + P - S

Common Meter "Surplus"


Rule: S - S

PV Meter


Rule: None

Note: This must be done at the beginning of meter readings. If done later, the manually recorded values from the Common Meter must be copied into the new Common Surplus Meter.

3. Anomalous Data Filters

Received data may contain anomalous data (incorrect registers, reset data, external data sources, etc.). It is possible to replace these consumption data with 0 via the "trigger" parameter:




Replace consumption data (15 min) exceeding "trigger" with 0

Example for an electric meter with a maximum of 32A: at most over 15 min, the meter can increment by:

1/4 * (3 * 230 * 32)/1000 kWh = 5.52 kWh

-> a "trigger" of 15 is therefore a good value for filtering anomalous data.

4. Data Validation

The system automatically processes and validates the raw collected data multiple times a day and saves it (validated data).

This allows for the definition of 15-minute consumptions for each meter, distribution of self-consumed energy against that withdrawn from the grid, and aggregation of values from all meters to indicate the overall consumption and production of the site.

For data to be validated properly, the collected raw data must be correct and complete. If not, correct it using the rules explained above.

The system validates the overall data for the site up to the date when all site meters' readings have been obtained (excluding standalone meters).

Validated data are used to generate consumption accounts and billing.

Meter Installation Date

The meter installation date allows for estimating the 15-minute consumption of the meter before the first reading on the portal.

The system validates data from the defined installation date for each meter.

For example, if an index is first recorded at 3000 kWh on October 15, 2022, and an installation date is set for June 15, 2022, the system distributes the 3000 kWh over the preceding 3 months in 15-minute periods.

Standalone Meter

When a recorded meter should not be included in the overall validation, the Standalone Meter mode is activated to ignore it from the site's overall consumption.

This allows for simple visualization of the consumption of this meter, but it is neither integrated into the overall consumption nor into the distribution of solar/grid energy for the site. However, it can be used for accounts and billing.

A standalone meter cannot be used in addition/subtraction rules (see above), nor as a consumption meter for charging point areas.

This mode applies to electric, thermal, and water meters.

Impact on Visualization

Standalone meters do not appear in the overall site graphs (15 minutes, monthly, and annual).

Virtual Meter

It is possible to create a single electric virtual meter per site. This meter deducts and accounts for all energy that is not measured by other meters.

A virtual meter is created when it is not possible to physically install a meter on a consumer.

This applies, for example, to the Single Wiring Diagram.

Manually Read Meter

In cases of manually read meters, it is therefore necessary to regularly input a reading, or risk blocking the overall validation of the site.

Reconstruction of Validated Data (Resampling)

When the parameters defined above are modified and raw data has already been collected, it is necessary to reconstruct validated data (resampling) from the start or a defined date.

Go to Configuration > Admin > Resampling (admin user only)

Site Data Processing
  • Meter to Infer by Calculation:
    • Auto: The virtual meter if there is one, or else the photovoltaic production.
    • Selected Meter from Dropdown: the system ignores the raw data from this meter and reconstructs it from the others. This mode is impossible if there is a virtual meter. Note that a "disabled" meter should not be selected.
  • Data Cleaning: removes negative or inconsistent data in the validated data.

Reconstruction of Site Data (Resample all site)

Select a period (start and end). If no start date is specified, the site's creation date is used.

When starting the reconstruction, all existing validated data in the selected period are deleted and then reconstructed.

Possible errors:

  • There is no data between the start and end date for at least one meter (excluding standalone meters). At least two readings must be present in the selected period.
  • At least one of the above-mentioned registers is missing for at least one of the meters.

How Did We Do?

Modbus Meter Configuration

Meter Read Manually
