RS485-Ethernet Converter and Cloud Gateway

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

RS485-Ethernet Converter (Modbus RTU to Modbus TCP)

The RS485-Ethernet converter facilitates the transition from an RS485 bus network to a TCP/IP network, enabling the reading of Modbus RTU devices via Modbus TCP.

The provided model is a Protoss-PE11, pre-configured and equipped with a 24V DC DIN rail power supply.

Generally, the RS485-Ethernet converter operates in "Cloud Gateway" mode (see below).

Other Use Cases

In scenarios involving multiple buildings (microgrid) connected to the same IP network, an RS485-Ethernet converter is installed in each electrical panel, connecting electrical meters via the RS485 bus. Subsequently, only one Climkit Gateway is necessary to read all meters on-site via Modbus TCP.

If other service providers need to access the same Modbus meters, the installation of a converter enables simultaneous read requests, which is not feasible on a standard RS485 bus network.

Cloud Gateway

The Climkit "Cloud Gateway" involves virtualizing the Climkit Gateway in the cloud, thereby eliminating the need for a physical installation.

This option is feasible only with the combined use of a Teltonika router (TRB140 or RUT300) and an RS485-Ethernet converter.

Currently supported functionalities in this configuration include:

  • Reading Modbus RS485 electrical meters

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