Cloud Gateway Configuration (MQTT)
Climkit portal configuration
Add a router in the app for a specific site.
Fill out the necessary fields with the SIM card info:
Add a gateway with type mqtt
Add the default IP and port paramaters.
Add also a 4-digit PIN for the meters.
If you did not set a default IP and port above, edit each meter with the additionnal parameters:
: 502
# Cloud Gateway (MQTT)
## Configuration
### Climkit portal configuration
Add a router in the app for a specific site.
Fill out the necessary fields with the SIM card info:
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_17.46.43.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_17.46.43.png =500x)
Add a gateway with type `mqtt`
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.04.07.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.04.07.png =750x)
Add the default IP and port paramaters.
Add also a 4-digit PIN for the meters.
If you did not set a default IP and port above, edit each meter with the additionnal parameters:
`server_ip`: ``
`port`: `502`
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.05.36.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.05.36.png =800x)
### Router Teltonika TRB140
Insert an active SIM card in the Teltonika TRB140 router and power ON the router.
Follow the wizard to configure the following:
Configure the following:
- password (copy paste from climkit portal).
- Teltonika RMS:
Copy and paste the `Serial Number`, `IMEI` and site ID number (ex. CKT-00001). Save them on the Climkit portal.
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_17.41.50.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_17.41.50.png =1100x)
Create a new device on the RMS portal and insert `Serial Number` and `IMEI`.
Click Submit. Go back to the router UI and click Connect:
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_17.42.59.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_17.42.59.png =1100x)
- Update the router firmware
Click on FW VERSION on the top right of the screen > Flash New Firmware Image
Update from file and click BROWSE and select the latest image file from "module_image/teltonika" in Dropbox.
Current file name: `TRB1_R_00.07.02.1_WEBUI.bin`
![screenshot_2022-06-16_at_18.14.09.png](/screenshot_2022-06-16_at_18.14.09.png =1100x)
- MQTT Configuration:
Switch to Mode: `ADVANCED`.
Enable: `on`
Host: ``
Port: `15739`
Request topic: `meters/<gateway_id>/request`
Response topic: `meters/<gateway_id>/response`
Username: `dev`
Password: (saved in 1password as "EMX auth MQTT")
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_18.07.31.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_18.07.31.png =1100x)
### RS485-Ethernet Converter
Static IP: ``
Gateway: ``
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_16.36.18.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_16.36.18.png =900x)
Baudrate: `9600`
Parity: `EVEN` (PRO380 meters) or `NONE` (Eastron meters)
Local Port Number: `502`
Work Mode: `TCP Server`
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_20.04.48.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_20.04.48.png =900x)
Check `Modbus TCP`
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_16.38.16.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_16.38.16.png =900x)
## Testing
This is how you can manually read a meter for testing purposes.
Example with PRO380 meter:
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.26.13.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.26.13.png =1100x)
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.26.55.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.26.55.png =1100x)
Example with Eastron meter:
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.26.48.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.26.48.png =1100x)
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.26.55.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.26.55.png =1100x)
Example with MTR80L-Modbus (Polier):
## Remote access
Connect to the [Teltonika RMS](
Click on the Device WebUI for the selected router and then Generate:
![screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.36.20.png](/screenshot_2022-06-08_at_19.36.20.png =1100x)
A link will appear below.