Creation/Editing of a Note or an Issue to be Addressed

Nicolas Vodoz Updated by Nicolas Vodoz

You can create Notes or issues to address on the site to keep this useful information readily available for operations.

  1. Open the site > Site > Notes
  2. Click the + button to add a note.
  3. Click on Note and select Note or To address. A Note is indicative information related to the site, while To address is an issue that needs to be resolved. An open issue will block certain automated processes, including consumer billing, until it is marked as resolved.
  4. Click on the icon corresponding to the type:
    1. Technical: Issue or note related to the technical equipment installed on the site.
    2. Administrative: Issue or note related to billing or management contract questions.
    3. Data management: Issue or note related to metering and energy data.
    4. Other: Any other useful information for the operation of the site.
  5. Enter the information or issue to address in the text field.
  6. Select the visibility of the note:
    1. Private
    2. Public
    3. Public and editable
  7. Check Notify site coordinator to directly inform the site coordinator who can address the issue.
  8. Click save to validate.

How Did We Do?

Modify the data validation schema for counting

Close an issue to be addressed
